Tuesday, December 12, 2023

EMS Incident Management - Ten Second Triage

The Ten Second Triage (TST) tool, developed by NHS England, is designed to address the need for rapid triage in major incidents when assessing casualties' physiology may not be practical initially. Here's what EMS providers need to know about TST and how it compares to established models like START and RAMP:

1. Speed of Assessment: TST focuses on rapid assessment, aiming to triage a casualty within ten seconds. This allows for immediate life-saving interventions to be performed simultaneously.

2. Mechanism of Triage: TST utilizes a mechanism called "Threat, Breathing, Circulation" to prioritize casualties. It emphasizes identifying threats to life, assessing breathing, and evaluating circulation to make triage decisions quickly.

3. Simplicity and Training: TST is designed to be simple, intuitive, and easy to learn. It requires minimal training for EMS providers, enabling quick implementation in the field.

4. Comparison to Established Models: Established triage models like START (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) and RAMP (Rapid Assessment, Management, and Prioritization) focus on assessing physiological parameters.

In comparison, TST prioritizes threats to life and emphasizes immediate interventions.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of TST, START, and RAMP may vary depending on the specific context and the resources available during a major incident. EMS providers should be familiar with multiple triage methods and adapt their approach based on the situation at hand.

Additional Reading:


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