Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Who’s Teaching You? Paul Kuthe.

The rather pukka Paul Kuthe will be instructing these classes during Storm Gathering USA 2017 this March.

Session 1: Tricky Launch, Tricky Landing
Session 2: Fundamentals of Rock Gardening (with Sean Morley)
Session 3: Intermediate Rock Gardening (with Bill Vonnegut)
Session 4: Long Boat Surfing (with Jeff Laxier)

Sign up today while there are still spaces.

For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Who's Teaching You? Kelly Marie Henry.

The rather splendid Kelly Marie Henry will be instructing these classes during Storm Gathering USA 2017 :-)
Session 1: Surf Zone Fundamentals
Session 2: Situational Rolling and Bracing (with Bill Vonnegut)
Session 3: Coastal Journey
Session 4: Rough Water Boat Handling
Sign up today while there are still spaces.
For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.

Friday, January 27, 2017

SGS USA Announcement - Class Timetable and Availability

Following are the class choices for each day at Storm Gathering USA 2017.
Friday Session Choices 1 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
All Levels - Developing Boat Control DBC1
All Levels - Greenland Strokes GS1
Level 1 and 2 - Storm Paddling Essentials SPE
Level 1 and 2 - Surf Zone Fundamentals SZF
Level 2 and 3 - Intermediate Rock Gardening IRG1
Level 2 and 3 - Unscrambling the Scramble UTS 1
Level 2 and 3 - Long Boat Surfing LBS1: FULL
Level 2 and 3 - Moderate Water Boat Handling MWBH 1
Level 3 - Rough Water Boat Handling RWBH 1
Level 3 - Tricky Launch, Tricky Landing TLTL1

Saturday Session Choices 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
All Levels - Simplifying The Roll STR: FULL
Level 1 & 2 - Fundamentals of Rock Gardening FRG 1: FULL
Level 2 and 3 - Situational Rolling & Bracing SRB1
Level 3 - Tricky Launch, Tricky Landing TLTL1
Saturday Session Choices 1.30 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
All Levels - Wild Harvesting WH: FULL
Level 1 and 2 - Coastal Journey CJ1
Level 2 and 3 - Intermediate Rock Gardening IRG2
Level 2 and 3 - Moderate Water Boat Handling MWBH 2
Level 3 - Rough Water Boat Handling RWBH 2
Saturday Session Choices All Day
Level 1 & 2 - Fundamentals of Sea Kayak Leadership FSKL
Level 2 & 3 - Incident Management IM
Level 2 & 3 - White Water of The Sea WWOTS

Sunday Session Choices 9.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.
All Levels - Developing Boat Control DBC1
All levels - Greenland Strokes GS2
Level 1 & 2 - Fundamentals of Rock Gardening FRG 2
Level 1 & 2 - Coastal Journey CJ2
Level 2 & 3 - Ocean Journey OCJ1: FULL
Level 2 & 3 - Unscrambling the Scramble UTS 2
Level 2 & 3 - Situational Rolling and Bracing SRB2: FULL
Level 2 & 3 - Long Boat Surfing LBS2
Level 3 - Rough Water Boat Handling RWBH 3

For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

SGS USA Announcement - Non-Participant Meal Option


Based on demand, we have introduced a new booking category: Non-Participant Meals / Social Activities Option.

If you have a family member or friend who wishes to be part of the event but not go on the water, this $75 option covers all meals and entry into social activities.

This option is available when registering for the event through Eventbrite.

For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.

Monday, January 23, 2017

SGS USA Announcement - Spread The Word


Help us promote Storm Gathering USA 2017 🙂
1) Spread the word! Tell 10 other paddlers about the event that have not yet heard about it.
2) Share the word! Include the event in your club newsletter, blog post and tweet about it (@sgs_usa, #intothewater#stormpaddlers).
3) Post the word! Share a favorite memory on this page from past symposiums. Post photos or video and tag Storm Gathering USA.
4) Join the word! Make sure to follow Storm Gathering USA via social media including Twitter, Facebook and Google+
5) Calendar the word! Put Storm Gathering USA 2017 in your club and public calendars.
For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Welcome Onboard Fellow Storm Paddlers From Wales!

Today we would like to welcome onboard our fellow Storm Paddlers who will be joining us from Wales this March for Storm Gathering USA 2017 in Trinidad, California.

For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Welcome Onboard Fellow Storm Paddlers From Sweden!

Today we would like to welcome onboard our fellow Storm Paddlers who will be joining us from Sweden this March for Storm Gathering USA 2017 in Trinidad, California.

For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Welcome Onboard Fellow Storm Paddlers From Canada!

Today we would like to welcome onboard our fellow Storm Paddlers who will be joining us from Canada this March for Storm Gathering USA 2017 in Trinidad, California.

For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Greenland Strokes – Instructor Specialty Class with Maligiaq Padilla.

Maligiaq Padilla doesn’t need much of an introduction in the traditional paddling world. His grandfather spent his days hunting seals, whales, birds and other animals from a kayak (qajaq in Greenlandic), and it was from him that Maligiaq was taught the hunting traditions of his ancestors. At the age of 12, Maligiaq built his first kayak and learned to hunt from it using a harpoon and a rifle. He has since built over 300 kayaks. Maligiaq first competed in the annual Greenland National Kayaking Championship when he was 12. He won every event in his age group, and at 16 became the youngest National Championship winner in history. He has now won a total of nine Championships. Over the years, Maligiaq has shared traditional paddling skills with paddlers all over the world, and we’re thrilled to have him as part of the event.

If you’re interested in Greenland paddling technique, this is an amazing opportunity to learn from the best. Spaces are VERY limited. Maligiaq will also be teaching a qajaq building class through Mind’s Eye Manufactory leading up to Storm Gathering USA. Click HERE for more information. Special thanks to Mind’s Eye Manufactory for supporting the event by bringing in such a wonderful keynote speaker and mentor.

Maligiaq's classes are scheduled to run on Friday (Session 1) and Sunday (Session 4).

A full listing of Storm Gathering USA 2017 classes can be found here.

For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Maligiaq Padilla - SGS USA Presenter / Coach

Coach / Presenter - Maligiaq Padilla

Maligiaq Padilla originates from Sisimiut, Greenland. His grandfather spent his days hunting seals, whales, birds and other animals from a kayak (qajaq in Greenlandic), and it was from him that Maligiaq was taught the hunting traditions of his ancestors. At the age of 12, Maligiaq built his first kayak and learned to hunt from it using a harpoon and a rifle. He has since built over 300 kayaks. These kayaks have been displayed in the Sisimiut Museum of Greenland, the Inuit Gallery of Vancouver and the Smithsonian Museum.

Maligiaq is world renowned for his strokes, rolling, kayak building and rope gymnastics skills. He has appeared in many films, including Rolling With Maligiaq,  Allunaariaqattaarneq and This is the Sea.

Maligiaq first competed in the annual Greenland National Kayaking Championship when he was 12. He won every event in his age group, and at 16 became the youngest National Championship winner in history. He has now won a total of nine Championships.

Maligiaq will be teaching a qajaq building class through Mind’s Eye Manufactory leading up to Storm Gathering USA 2017. Click HERE for more information. We’d like to thank Mind’s Eye Manufactory for supporting the event by bringing in such a wonderful keynote speaker and mentor.

We’re honored to have both Maligiaq and Mind’s Eye Manufactory as part of the event. Maligiaq will be Storm Gathering USA’s Friday evening keynote speaker, and will teach Greenland Strokes on the Friday and Sunday of the event. The Friday evening presentation is titled, “Indigenous water craft of the Arctic, and modern qayaq in Greenland.”

For more details about the event, visit the Storm Gathering USA website today!

To register, go to this page on the symposium website.

For more information, e-mail, info@greenlandorbust.org.